Easing Kiddo's Winter Cold

You’re cleaning ALL the surfaces, enforcing a strict hand washing regimen and a nonnegotiable morning dose of elderberry syrup. But wintertime sniffles are unavoidable, kids under the age of three catch eight or more colds per year on average. So, when prevention fails, here’s how you can ease your little’s cough and sniffles — the organic way. These tips for natural children's cold relief are simple and effective.

Lip & Cheek Balm

The constant wiping of a runny nose often leads to uncomfortable red, peeling skin around the nose and mouth area. Plus, as kiddo’s mucus drips onto the skin (waiting to be wiped) it eventually evaporates — causing even more dryness and irritation.

Our award-winning lip & cheek balm, packaged in convenient oversized stick, creates a powerful barrier against moisture (and environmental irritants, like wind, etc.) while locking in beneficial skin oils. 

It’s crafted with organic lavender and chamomile essential oil, which possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, skin-calming calendula and organic fair trade shea butter, rich in antioxidants and minerals known to protect and restore the skin.

Apply it around your little one’s nose, mouth or anywhere skin appears irritated. 

Organic Chest Rub for Babies 

Colds are always at their worst at night. When baby lays down to sleep a post nasal drip-induced cough can keep them (and everyone else) awake. Sleepless nights translate to overtired, short-tempered kiddos — and exhausted caregivers. 

Our sniffles chest balm with essential oils for post nasal drip is a USDA organic remedy to ease cold symptoms and improve sleep.

Organic Myrrh Essential Oil soothes respiratory issues and boosts immunity, while Organic Calendula CO2 Extract calms irritated skin and Organic Eucalyptus Radiata possesses decongestant, antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral properties. 

Apply this ointment to the chest, back, neck and behind the ears. Adults can use it for cold relief, too! 

Nighty Night Bath Time Story 

Getting plenty of sleep is a no-fail cold remedy, to allow the body to repair and heal. But sending your little one off to sleep when they’re not feeling well is easier said than done.

Our nighty night bath time story, a signature blend of essential oils, will help baby relax and sleep more soundly. When inhaled in the bath, the aromatic organic lavender and chamomile essential oils have a powerful calming effect.

Add a few drops to the bath or apply it to your wrist.


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