Beauty From The Inside Out
True, lasting beauty radiates from within and helps to learn to love your body. A daily beauty ritual of self-care can help us stay in...
Spas We Love - SenSpa
Visiting a great spa does wonders for the mind and body. Whether pampering yourself in your hometown, or vacationing in a new city, setting...
Refreshing Barley Salad Recipe
Wallace and James is a holistic lifestyle blog founded by the amazing Jamie Arrigo - mother, wife, and photographer living in Los Angeles. With the...
Decorating with Botanicals
Using decorative botanicals when decorating is aesthetically pleasing and adds an element of earthiness to the room. the atmosphere feels grounded and jovial at the...
6 Foods to Detox Body and Mind
The Holiday season is full of beautiful moments shared with friends and family. However, most of us splurge a bit in the food department with...
Eco-Friendly Costume Ideas
Fall is in the air and Halloween is just around the corner. Whether trick or treating, parading, or partying Halloween is a truly fun, festive...
4 Natural Beauty Rituals for Holistic Health
Life can feel like a juggling act, but this is no reason to ignore the need for self-care. Nurturing our body and spirit is an...
Celebrating 20 Years of Organic with a New Look!!!
This year we are are celebrating our 20th anniversary of our luxury organic cosmetics with a beautiful new brand design. The new look will...
Best Vegan Dark Chocolate Mousse
Whether you are entertaining, or just in the mood to make yourself a special treat, this vegan dessert is delicious and full of mood elevating dark...