Summer Smoothie Recipe


Summer's here and we're trying to maintain our summer bodies that we have worked hard to attain. Staying healthy stems from the inside out and one of our favorite yoga mamas Sophie Jaffe from Philosophie has it down.

We are sharing her anti-bloat summer smoothie recipe that combines bloat-fighting ingredients to create a glass of tummy-flattening goodness. Sophie has a line of superfood supplements that she adds to her smoothie recipe to give it an extra boost. Try it out and let us know how you like it!


Anti-Bloat Summer Smoothie Recipe



  1. Blend all ingredients and enjoy frothy and cold!

papaya live strong


Below are the benefits of some of the ingredients used in this anti-bloat summer smoothie:

  • Papaya: Aids with digestion, weight loss, and inflammation

  • Pineapple: Helps with digestion, inflammation, and boosts immune system

  • Kale: Filled with antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory benefits, good for detox


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