Kelly also brought in a wonderfully nourishing Super Green Smoothie that kept everyone energized after her high intensity workout. We are happy to share this healthy green smoothie recipe with you!
3 handfuls of clean spinach
2 small peeled oranges
1 sliced cucumber
1 ripe cubed avocado
32 ounces of water
1. Blend spinach and water until smooth.
2. Add remaining ingredients, and blend until smooth.
*Add ice to make smoothie cold.
This detoxifying green smoothie is a wonderful natural
energy booster to keep you going throughout the day.
Phytonutrients in the leafy greens boost your immune system.
Plus many people report natural weight loss
when choosing a smoothie in place of a
typical breakfast.
To learn more about Kelly Weston and her
I’m Fit & Happy plan click here.