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Expecting? Here’s how to have a cool summer

Is your baby belly growing in unison with increasing summer temps? While there are some perks to a summer pregnancy — like spending the long days outdoors, stone fruit and vitamin D — the dog days of summer can exacerbate some not-so-pleasant pregnancy symptoms. Here are our summer pregnancy tips to stay cool and comfortable this season.

Check your tags!

Wear loose clothing made out of breathable, natural fibers, like linen and cotton, and avoid synthetic fabrics, like nylon or polyester. This allows your body to perspire to release heat, like nature intended. Stick to light-colors to help reflect the summer sun, dark colors will absorb heat — and warm you up.

*It’s good practice to avoid synthetics fabrics, especially when you’re expecting. Man-made fabrics, like acrylic, polyester, rayon, acetate and nylon, are often treated with harmful chemicals during production. The skin is the body’s largest living organ. It’s highly porous, allowing for harmful toxins and chemicals to be absorbed into the bloodstream and remain in human tissue for a long time.

Get your 64 oz. +

The number one way to stay cool while pregnant is to stay hydrated! Keep sipping water (you need extra, anyhow, when you’re expecting) to keep your body sweating. Yes— sweating. When sweat evaporates, it cools the body and helps regulate your core body temperature. You may even want to consider making the switch to a natural deodorant, like our award-winning USDA organic Jasmine & Grapefruit Organic Deodorant Spray !

How to stick to the 8 x 8 rule?

Try adding a little flavor to your water by infusing it with fresh fruit. There are even added benefits too, like apples are iron-rich and grapefruit helps flush toxins.

Invest in a reusable water bottle. We like this glass one that reminds you to sip throughout the day.

Quench your thirst with water-rich fruits and veggies, like cucumber, celery, strawberries and watermelon.

Take a dip!

Another way to beat the heat is to reinvigorate with a cool — not cold — shower.

Pair it with our energizing Awaken synergy body wash , which stimulates the senses with essential oils of melissa, lemongrass and rose.

Sleep tight

It’s challenging enough to get a good night’s sleep when pregnant, and that goes double for hot summer nights. To ease into a cool, calm sleep mist your bed linens before getting into bed with water or our USDA organic Relax synergy body spray — crafted for body, room and linens. Plus, the soothing aromatherapy blend of lavender, rose and neroli essential oils calms the body and releases tension.

Put your feet up

During pregnancy, extra fluid in your body can build-up (thanks gravity!) causing discomfort in the hands and feet, especially in the third trimester. And, it’s often worse in the warmer months.

When possible, take a seat and elevate your legs.

Watch your sodium intake — too much salt in your diet causes water retention.

Reinvigorate tired and swollen feet, ankles and legs with our USDA Organic Refreshing Foot Balm . It’s crafted with cypress and grapefruit essential oils to naturally reduce water retention and stimulate circulation.

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